SuiteScript Change On Credit Hold Field On Customer Record

How do you change the Hold field found on the customer record using SuiteScript?

The Hold field in a Customer record prevents users or the customer from having any new Sales Orders being placed and has three settings On , Off and Auto . The code name of the field is creditholdoverride .

To set the value for this field using SuiteScript, enter the value in all capital letters according to the value you want.

For example upon loading the Customer record:

const r = record.load({type: record.Type.CUSTOMER, id: 0});
r.setValue({fieldId: "creditholdoverride", value: "AUTO"});

If you enter Auto with just the first letter containing a capital, the entry will not work. Even trying an ID number does not work.

The way I was able to find what type of value was needed was by appending &xml=T to a Customer record view and inspecting the XML document where creditholdoverride was set, and this was what I found for a Customer whose status was Auto :


As you can see, the XML view of the Customer record had the value in all capital letters, but the view of the Customer record contained only Auto .


To change the creditholdoverride value using Suitescript set the value accordingly by using the capitalized version of the value, i.e. AUTO , ON or OFF .

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Ryan Sheehy
Ryan has been dabbling in code since the late '90s when he cut his teeth exploring VBA in Excel. Having his eyes opened with the potential of automating repetitive tasks, he expanded to Python and then moved over to scripting languages such as HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP.