NetSuite’s IF Formula In Saved Search

Where is the IF function in Netsuite’s saved search area? It can seem quite odd at first trying to find the standard IF function in Netsuite’s saved search area, but you are not losing your eyesight, there is no IF function in Netsuite’s formulas. Instead of using an IF function you have two other types …

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How To Pronounce NetSuite?

How do you pronounce Netsuite? Is it Net-Sweet? The Correct Pronunciation NetSuite is pronounced as “net-sweet”. Here are some essential details you should know about the correct pronunciation It would be best if you didn’t make the mistake of pronouncing it as “Net-Sootee” or “Net-Sue-It.” These are common mispronunciations, and they might mislead the audience. …

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List Comprehension In Reverse Order With Python

How do you perform a list comprehension in reverse using Python? A list comprehension is generally a short one line code that allows you to create a new list by iterating through an iterator (such as another list). The syntax for a list comprehension is [expression for variable in iterable if condition] with the if …

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